3 Woolgatherings
A sexy French poodle in a blue taffeta dress
Knocked me off my Scooter, made my shirt
A mess. But it was worth it, for an old bull
Doggie like me. As poodles go, she was a

Looker, a real hot hound, faraway more so
Than your grimy little alley cat, undeniably,
Unlike any Bitch I ever met, we bow-wow-wowed
Well into the doghouse hours,

Past the point of no redress, so we stayed and
Tangoed well into the night and spent the whole
Next afternoon picking bones. We nuzzled noses,
Marking our territory, making our way home

Running in the rain, stopping and kissing
Under every lamp-post and street light,
Our leashes dragging in the wind, If my
Ex-pooch could only see me now,

Frumpy old mongrel, happily she’d tell me
I’d never amount to anything much, now I run
With purebreds, barking loud all over town,
Improving my pedigree, like a doggie should.

R. Milan Gura
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